Structured Retail Products 

Structured Retail Products 

Helping banking and finance professionals search and analyse through a highly-detailed catalogue
of 17+ million structured products spanning over 54 countries.

Structured Retail Products 

Helping banking and finance professionals search and analyse through a highly-detailed catalogue of 17+ million structured products spanning over 54 countries.

Structured Retail Products 

Helping banking and finance professionals search and analyse through a highly-detailed catalogue of 17+ million structured products spanning over 54 countries.

Structured Retail Products

Helping banking and finance professionals search and analyse through a highly-detailed catalogue
of 18+ million structured products spanning over 79 countries.

Helping banking and finance professionals search and analyse through a highly-detailed catalogue of 18+ million structured products spanning over 79 countries.



UX UI Designer


Aug 2017 - Mar 2018




Stakeholder Interviews
Usability Review

User Interviews
Google Analytics Analysis
Competitor and Comparator Analysis
User Personas
User Journey Mapping
Task Flows
User Interface Design
Interaction Design
Usability Testing

Project Overview

SRP is a premium subscription platform that was founded in 2001 in response to an increasing need from the derivatives market for the highest quality market intelligence.

Over the years, data outgrew the platform, code started to break and user experience suffered.

It was time for some UX TLC.

Understanding the current state of product search and analysis reports

Upon the project kick-off my first instinct was to learn much about the existing product as possible. I spent time with key stakeholders getting in grips
with the product search and analysis that led to me mapping out existing flow.

Upon the project kick-off my first instinct was to learn much about the existing product as possible. I spent time with key stakeholders getting in grips with the product search and analysis that led to me mapping out existing flow.

Advanced Product Search


Analysis Reports


The Flow


Evaluating the existing functionality and usability

I reviewed the usability to spot potential issues that would hinder the user. Below are some of my obsevations that were noted during the review. 

Getting to know the users

I worked with SRP's Global Head of Data and Product Manager to set up feedback meetings with the clients. We devised an interview strategy and guide which would help us learn about the user's motivations, goals and pain points when interacting the product search and analysis reports.


Upon attending the interviews, we were soon to discover the users ranged in levels of seniority and varied in knowledge of the search and analysis tools. We also learned SRP's clients were loyal to the brand and the data they provided was very important in their business functions.

We spoke with clients about their current experience with the tools, problems they may have and also observed them interacting with the software. The interviews gave us great insights into the users' behaviour, evaluating the current usability that led to the development of the user personas. 

The Advanced User


"I want searching for products to be quick and flexible"

Name: Dale Müller
Age: 34
Job title: Senior Financial Reporting Analyst
Location: Great Britain


  • Gets distressed with long waiting times
  • Expects quality performance and service from tools
  • Experience using complex functionality with a range of tools


  • Compare Structured Products
  • Analyse Market Data in single or accross multiple markets
  • Search for products using the company as underlying asset

Pain Points

  • Quick search doesn't work
  • Multiple steps to fill out before completing search
  • Waiting for results to load
  • Cannot aggregate results for multiple databases

Beginner to Intermediate


"Analysis reports gives me easy access to market data"

Name: Mila Ivan
Age: 27
Job title: Accounts Manager
Location: France


  • Calm and patient when dealing with tedius tasks
  • SRP was the only tool used to analyse Structured Products
  • Numbers are more important than graphical charts


  • Market research and analysis
  • Presentating data to colleagues and bosses
  • Career Progression

Pain Points

  • Manually populating information
  • Copying and Pasting data from reports into spreadsheets
  • Waiting for results to load
  • Cannot aggregate results for multiple databases
  • Manually populating information
  • Repetitive tasks
  • Waiting for results to load
  • Cannot aggregate results for multiple databases

"Advanced search filters can be overwhelming. I feel nervous when clicking submit because I fear something might break."

"It can take me a couple of hours at a time to copy and paste the data into my excel records, so I can create my own graphs."

"I want to be able to see the total sales volume within when the results load."

"It's clunky, nothing ever works...I don't want to talk anymore."

"Advanced search filters can be overwhelming. I feel nervous when clicking submit because I fear something might break."

"It can take me a couple of hours at a time to copy and paste the data into my excel records, so I can create my own graphs."

"It's clunky, nothing ever works...I don't want to talk anymore."

Mapping the user journeys

After collating the user feedback, I mapped out user journeys for advanced search and analysis reports. The user journey visualises the user's goals, activities, touchpoints, thoughts and experiences. The user journeys demonstrate to the stakeholders how users interact with the platform and the difficulties they encounter when trying to complete tasks.


Insights from Google Analytics

Aug 2016 - Aug 2017

  • Only 3.85% of the total users interact with advanced search and analysis reports pages
  • Users spend an average of 4 minutes on advanced search and analysis reports
  • Primary used on desktop devices with 99% with usage on mobile being a very low 0.66%
  • Only 3.85% of the total users interact with advanced search and analysis reports pages.
  • Users spend an average of 4 minutes on advanced search and analysis reports.
  • Primary used on desktop devices with 99% with usage on mobile being a very low 0.66%.

Measuring up against the competitors

I analysed competitors in the Structured Products space to learn about different search patterns being used by the market. I also researched comparators that were known for having larges quantities of product data with a high range of filter options.


Advanced but not practical

Search is busy, there is too much information on screen. You will need training on using the software.


Can compare products easily

Product range is only in the hundreds, but has product comparison functionality.


Limited filters

Has over 10,000 products but filters them down to a few based on search criteria.


Not enough detail

Only filters through top level information within the trial.

None of the competitors offer a simple or flexible search solution for an expansive product catalogue.

None of the competitors offer a simple or flexible search solution for an expansive product catalogue.

Key insights into the users


SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.


Users search for live products more often than expired products.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

Users search for live products more often than expired products.


It would be easier for users to analyse if the total volume of products sold is displayed within the product list and analysis reports tables.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

It would be easier for users to analyse if the total volume of products sold is displayed within the product list and analysis reports tables.


Filtering by sub-groups will improve findability and save time.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

Filtering by sub-groups will improve findability and save time.


Copying and pasting data is time consuming and laborious.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

Copying and pasting data is time consuming and laborious.


Users are overwhelmed and can be distressed due to lengthy search steps and slow loading times.

SRP's quantity and quality of data is highly valued and great for creating unbiased reports.

Users are overwhelmed and can be distressed due to lengthy search steps and slow loading times.

How can we make analysing structured products simple, intuitive, flexible and informative?

How can we make analysing structured products simple, intuitive, flexible and informative?

How can we make analysing structured products simple, intuitive, flexible and informative?

How can we make analysing structured products simple, intuitive, flexible and informative?

How can we make analysing structured products simple, intuitive, flexible and informative?


A clear journey

The architecture was restructured to create a master branch for all data. The intention was to give the user a central point to access all data features. Scalability of data functionality would be easier to acess within the new structure. 





Reducing steps

By taking a filterable approach to refining products within the search, there was a significant reduction in steps.

Refined Flow



Meaningful spaces 

To create an easy and memorable experience, I divided the pages into sections: fast thinking, critical thinking and analysing.

Defining Spaces


Structure for Product Search


Forming patterns

I identified different types of filters and interaction points, which led me to create components and design patterns that would be reusable across a variety of filters and options. The patterns would decrease learning time when making critical decisions for analysing results and reports.

Filter Types


Styleguides and UI elements were created a sense of consistency in the design and bring SRP's branding to the forefront.

Styleguides and UI Elements


Providing feedback

To help assure users of their decisions I used micro-interactions to provide feedback.

Default State


Active Filter

Active Filter


Selected Filters


When a filter is selected, the background will fade into white to aid the user focus on the filter. To show a filter has been set there is a selected filter tab which appears above the list of filters. By clicking the pencil icon or cross the user can edit or delete the filter variable.

Loading Results


 Loading bars to show the results are being generated.

Loading bars to show the results are being generated.


Selecting multiple databases

Giving the users the ability to pick and choose by making filters optional and customisable during search and analysis, created a highly flexible searching experience.

Selecting multiple databases


Option to export data

Giving the user an option to export data as a CSV file saved them user hours of copying and pasting whilst giving them the ability to manipulate data within spreadsheets.

Export button added to table


Responsive design

By creating a responive design we gave users the flexibility to search and analyse on multiple devices.

Responsive design snippet for analysis reports



Adding volume

Showing volume on search results and analysis reports, was sought after from users but not possible until now due to technology constraints.

Volume on product summary


Categorisation of product details and filter attributes

With input from SRP Analysts, a new structure for the product details page was defined. Filters on the search were categorised according to the product details to keep a consistent flow of information.

Categorising Filters and Product Details



Deeper analysis was made easier by grouping products. Now the users could easily see which distributors were selling what products in which regions and much more.

Grouping product results


Testing the assumptions

Testing the assumptions

I was invited to the Structured Products Europe 2018 conference in London to conduct usability tests and unveal the new prototype design.

I tested the prototype with users' who we had initially met alongside a new existing group of subscribers.

The prototype was also showcased to SRP's internal analysts.


Lessons learned



Users could easily navigate search and analysis sections from the header.


Quick Search

Users understood it's function from past experience or using other search tools.



Users were happily able to browse and selectively choose filtering options.

Users were happily able to browse and selectively choose filtering options.



Users found it difficult to locate the grouping filter. Once found, users could grouping results with ease.


Deleting Saved Searches

Some users were unable to delete saved searches. Majority of the users found it confusing can counterintuitive.

Some users were unable to delete saved searches. Majority of the users found it confusing can counterintuitive.


Exporting Data

Users were very appreciative of having the ability to export data with a click
of a button.

Adapting to feedback

Increasing visibility for grouping products

During the usability tests, users found it difficult to locate the grouping filter. Confusion was caused by it being categorised as a product details filter. The feedback received indicated grouping results was more of an after thought once the product details had been filtered.

During the usability tests, users found it difficult to locate the grouping filter. Confusion was caused by it being categorised as a product details filter. The feedback received indicated grouping results was more of an after thought once the product details had been filtered.

Moving 'grouping' from the filters column, next to 'sort by'


Refining how to delete saved searches

I learned the deleting functionality was counterinutitive and very confusing from the feedback given by the SRP Analysts. A lot of them could not complete the function or when they did, they didn't understand the logic behind it.

Iterative flow for deleting saved searches


Product shots

Product Search


Database Filter on Product Search


Analysis Overview


 Live - Product Details


Expired - Product Details



Good communication first...pixel perfection later

I learned it was ok to not spend hours on perfecting designs before presenting to stakeholders, as long as I could communicate my thoughts clearly using a combination of wireframes, UI screens, task flows and microinteractions all depending on the complexity of the task.

The approach helped me get my ideas across easily to stakeholders, pass to the prototyping stage and stick to the deadlines without the pressure of pixel perfect design.

Small details can make big differences

Paying attention to the small nuances and microinteractions in the design helped decrease noise and creating focal points on screen when a user was making choices. Showcasing summaries onchoices users had made created a sense of assurance.

Keep calm when it gets chaotic

Working in a sizeable team and with a variety of professionals there were times where the environment could be highly stressful. I dealt with the pressure by prioritising my workload and dividing tasks into smaller pieces so it wouldn't seem so overwhelming. 

Next steps

SRP is a complex entity that consists of big data, publishing and events. The data section was a big milestone of the project, however more was to come, the next challenges that were awaiting me was to enhance their news and events side of the business.

Project wins

704% increase in subscriber usage of analysis reports.

45% increase in subscriber usage of product search.

58% increase in interaction time with product search with a radical decrease in search speeds.

Satisfaction from subscribers and internal analysts in their experience of carrying out search queries.

Added value for premium subscribers with the ability to export analysis reports.

© 2019 Salim Rupawala. All rights reserved.